I just updated from 1.3 to 1.4.1, and I immediately noticed a few differences, some of which add little to no value, and a few which are nice touches. More important than what was added is what was NOT added (more on that below)
One nice touch is the ability to quickly reorder the sections of the resume on the ‘Options’ portion of the interface. For example, I can drag ‘Experience’ below ‘Education’ and vice versa at my leisure. I don’t see why they couldn’t include this ability on other screens, though. For instance, the ability to reorder the experience details associated with a particular company name would be useful. Sometimes when adding the details for a particular company comes through brainstorming and, when all the details are entered, there is often a desire to move the details around.
Adding the checkbox to include “References available upon request’ is not meaningful. The inclusion of this comment is rather antiquated, and I daresay that the employer assumes that references would be available if so requested. to reorder the experience details associated with a particular company name.
I also hoped that 1.4 would include the ability to indent a bullet. Not everyone would agree with me, but I think it’d be useful to be able to have “lesser” bullets under some higher-level bulleted headings. Other useful functionality would include the ability to have multiple job titles - and associated start/end dates - within a particular company. I worked in a company for 14 years, and was promoted twice during that time. I’d like to be able to show that my initial job title lasted from A to B, that my next title lasted from B to C, and that my final title lasted from C to D.
I do welcome the worthy addition in 1.4 of the lower-case ‘i’ (for information) at the top of the ‘Options’ tab of the interface. Clicking on ‘i’ opens a new tab with user documentation, including screenshots, which is useful. However, in the last screenshot
However, the best improvement - at least, as I perceive thus far - is that individual words are no longer being split up as the bullet point scrolls to the next line. In 1.3, as a bullet point nears the right margin, the final word was often split, even to the point that every letter but one would appear on the first line of the bullet, with the final letter of that word appearing by itself on the next line. Of course, that was horrible. I haven’t put this to the test extensively after my update, but my initial perception is that this has been fixed. If so, a significant improvement there. Interestingly, the screenshot showing a sample resume [at the end of the new “user information” functionality] happens to feature a sample resume with the old feature of the final word being split up at the right margin. More quality control in generating the user information might be in order.
danbo083066 about Resume Builder